Love Letters

Love Letters


"To you; 
The way I thought was wrong, having not known, it was right. Here is the proof of my feelings, Don’t hate me, love me forever: — — — —
Beautiful is the world, slow is one to take advantage. Wind up the world the other way. And at the start of the turning of the earth, lie my feelings for thou.
To you
Shame on me.
I love you."

"I Know It's Over"

I know it's over and it never really began but in my heart it was so real.

Hymne À L'amour

Hymne A L'amour

Je me fous du monde entier, Tant qu'l'amour inond'ra mes matins. Tant que mon corps frémira sous tes mains. Peu m'importe les problèmes. Mon amour, puisque tu m'aimes.

excertos da realidade imaginada

'conta-me, o que se passa contigo? estas tão triste' 'estou a morrer' 'não digas disparates, o que é que tens? aconteceu alguma coisa?' 'é verdade, acredita em mim... estou a morrer de amor' e deixam-se ficar em silencio.

Tenho saudades tuas, tantas, meu querido.